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The Hazel Dormouse - E-Book

1. Auflage 2013
182 Seiten
86 Farb.-Abb., 28 SW-Abb.
ISBN: 978-3-89432-966-2
Format: PDF

€ 22,45 inkl. 7 % Mehrwertsteuer

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Über das Buch

The hazel dormouse is an animal characteristic of species-rich woods and groves. Its ability to hibernate has fascinated naturalists across the ages. However, because of its secretive way of life, few people have ever seen a hazel dormouse alive and fewer still know the intricacies of its lifecycle. In the last few decades researchers have begun to understand the dormouse more thoroughly, particularly with regards its place in nature conservation. Showing a strict preference for woodland and living a predominantly arboreal life, the hazel dormouse is especially vulnerable to habitat loss and fragmentation. An exact knowledge of its biology and its ecological requirements are a prerequisite for the conservation of our smallest indigenous dormouse species.
In this monograph of this fascinating animal the authors present their results of over 30 years of field research, their experiences with projects of public awareness and examine them in the context of international literature.

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Über die Autoren

Sven Büchner

Sven Büchner,
Ausbildung zum Diplom-Biologen an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in der Arbeitsgruppe Tierökologie bei Professor M. Stubbe; zurzeit Tätigkeit als freiberuflicher…

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Dr. Rimvydas Juskaitis

Dr. Rimvydas Juškaitis,
Ausbildung zum Diplom-Biologen an der Universität Vilnius in Litauen; Promotion zur Ökologie der Haselmaus an der Universität Leningrad unter der Leitung von Prof.…

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